THE FIM ISDE 97th EDITION /// NOV. 6 – 11 / 2023 /// ARGENTINA / SAN JUAN


RK & Excel Challenge – Day 4

Friday, 2019/11/15 at 9:28am|challenges, Partners|

2019 sees the introduction of the RK & EXCEL CHALLENGE - Club Team which is open to all ISDE Club Team participants. This competition is exclusively for both teams of three riders and individuals who have RK chains and EXCEL stickers fitted...

Motorex Challenge – Day 4

Friday, 2019/11/15 at 9:22am|challenges, Partners|

Back for its fourth consecutive year this prize is open to amateur riders competing in the ISDE Club Team and FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy who will be entered into the respective MOTOREX CHALLENGE - Club Trophy” and MOTOREX...

RK & Excel Challenge – Day 3

Thursday, 2019/11/14 at 9:40am|challenges, Partners|

2019 sees the introduction of the RK & EXCEL CHALLENGE - Club Team which is open to all ISDE Club Team participants. This competition is exclusively for both teams of three riders and individuals who have RK chains and EXCEL stickers fitted...

Motorex Challenge – Day 3

Thursday, 2019/11/14 at 9:31am|challenges, Partners|

Back for its fourth consecutive year this prize is open to amateur riders competing in the ISDE Club Team and FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy who will be entered into the respective MOTOREX CHALLENGE - Club Trophy” and MOTOREX...

Motorex Challenge – Day 2

Wednesday, 2019/11/13 at 8:25am|challenges, Day 2, Partners|

Back for its fourth consecutive year this prize is open to amateur riders competing in the ISDE Club Team and FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy who will be entered into the respective MOTOREX CHALLENGE - Club Trophy” and MOTOREX...

RK & Excel Challenge – Day 2

Wednesday, 2019/11/13 at 8:13am|challenges, Day 2, Partners|

2019 sees the introduction of the RK & EXCEL CHALLENGE - Club Team which is open to all ISDE Club Team participants. This competition is exclusively for both teams of three riders and individuals who have RK chains and EXCEL stickers fitted...

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